June 8, 2011
Indonesia’s Regional Economy in the Globalization Era

Release Date: | June 2011 |
Editor(s): | Bambang Eko Afiatno, Budy P. Resosudarmo, D.S. Priyarsono and Arief A. Yusuf |
ISBN: | 978-602-8967-23-5 |
Publisher: | Airlangga University Press |
Series: | IRSA Book Series on Regional Development No. 9 |
Price: | Sold Out |
Table of Content
- Introduction, by Bambang Afiatno, Budy P. Resosudarmo, D.S. Priyarsono and Arief A. Yusuf (download)
Part I. Regional Economy
- Political Economy of Uneven Regional Development and Local Election in Indonesia, by Bhimo R. Samudro (download)
- Regional Development and Disaster Impacts in Indonesia, by Aloysius G. Brata (download)
- Evaluation and Analysis of Urban Transportation Efficiency in Indonesia, by Panky T. Febiyansah (download)
- Will Cities and Districts in East Java Converge?, by Richa Z. Zuspitasari and Nikita Agassi (download)
Part II. Agriculture and the Environment
- Revitalizing Rural Economy through Intensive Farming of High Value Vegetables: A Case of Chilli Farming in Central Java, by Joko Mariyono and Madhusudan Bhattarai (download)
- Scenarios for Climate Change Mitigation from the Energy Sector in Indonesia: The Role of Fiscal Instruments, by Arief A. Yusuf, Ahmad Komarulzaman, Wawan Hermawan, Djoni Hartono and Kindy R. Sjahrir (download)
- Economic Valuation and Mitigation of the Impact of Flood Disaster in Yogyakarta Special Region, by Endah Saptutyningsih and Suryanto (download)
Part III. Financial Sector
- Regional Inflation in Indonesia: The Identification of Demand and Supply Sides, by Gaffari Ramadhan, Adela P. Rizkia and Amanda L. Lestari (download)
- Understanding and Predicting Currency Crises in Indonesia: An Early Warning System Approach, by Syaifullah (download)
- Formulation of Conventional and Islamic Financial Stability Indices under the Dual Financial System in Indonesia, by Ascarya and Diana Yumanita (download)
Part IV. Living Conditions
- The Impact of the Newmont Nusa Tenggara Corporation on the Local Poverty Incidence in West Sumbawa, by David Kaluge (download)
- Happiness: What can We Learn from Indonesian?, by Erlangga A. Landiyanto, Jeffrey Ling, Mega Puspitasari and Septi E. Irianti (download)
- The Spatial Dimension of the Human Development Index in Indonesia, by Rullan Rinaldi and Eva Nurwita (download)
- Government Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: The Case of Indonesia, by Deswanto Marbun, Hastuti, Syaikhu Usman and M. Sulton Mawardi (download)