June 1, 2012
Regional Development and Finances: Challenges for Expanding and Financing Public Services

Release Date: | June 2012 |
Editor(s): | Hefrizal Handra, Budy P. Resosudarmo, Arief A. Yusuf, Elfindri and Efa Yonnedi |
ISBN: | 978-602-8821-36-0 |
Publisher: | Andalas University Press |
Series: | IRSA Book Series on Regional Development No. 10 |
Price: | Sold Out |
Table of Contents
- Introduction, by Hefrizal Handra, Budy P. Resosudarmo, Arief A. Yusuf, Elfindri and Efa Yonnedi (download)
Part I. Regional Development in the Era of Decentralization
- Current Social and Economic Issues of Regional Development in Indonesia, by Sjafrizal (download)
- Creating Knowledge Regions: Indonesia’s Challenge and Future, by Galuh Syahbana Indraprahasta (download)
- Analysis of Regional Growth and Volatility Using a Spatial Econometric Approach: A Case of Indonesia, by Agus Salim and Yulismi (download)
Part II. Disparities and Poverty Issues of Regional Development
- Impact Analysis on Infrastructure Development Program to Reduce Poverty in Indonesia’s Underdeveloped Region, by Perwita Sari, Nunung Nuryartono and Lukytawati Anggraeni (download)
- A Study on Income Disparity in Indonesia Using CGE Mode, by Hiroshi Sakamoto (download)
- Urban Inequality in Indonesia, by Akita Takahiro and Alit Pirmansah (download)
Part III. Financing the Regional Development: Challenges for Improvement and Expansion of Services
- An Evaluation on Institution of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Indonesia, by Arief Ramayandi and Arief Bustaman (download)
- The Impact of Semarang Airport Expansion on the Regional Economy of Central Java, by D.S. Priyarsono (download)
- Forward Estimates for Intergovernmental Transfers in Indonesia: Is It Possible?, by Hefrizal Handra (download)
- Specific Grant in Indonesia: Is It Really Specific?, by Kodrat Wibowo, Astia Dendi and Zulhanif (download)
Part IV. Environmental, Human Resources and Governance Issues in Regional Development
- Peat Swamp Forest Management Scenarios Based on Total Economic Value, by Syafrul Yunardy and Nur Arifatul Ulya (download)
- Wage and Labor Union in Manufacturing Sectors, by Pipit Pitriyan and Adiatma Siregar (download)
- IT Value Creating in Indonesian Local Government: A Service Model, by Herry Irawan, Suhardi and Alfira Sofia (download)
- Improving Local Government Financial Reporting, by Fauzan Misra (download)