Paper Awards


Recipients of the IRSA-SMI Institute Paper Awards were: 

  1. Uly Faoziyah (Institut Teknologi Bandung) and Wilmar Salim (Institut Teknologi Bandung) for their paper: “Two decades of decentralization and infrastructure FTVs development in Indonesia“.
  2. Sri Juli Asdiyanti Samuda (North Maluku Province’s Statistics Indonesia), Dwi Atmi Rohmatilah (Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture), and Rus’an Nasrudin (Universitas Indonesia) for their paper: “Indonesia’s Electricity Access Convergence: Current Assessment of the Progress Using the Spatial Approach“.  
  3. Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari (Universitas Indonesia), I Putu Hedi Sasrawan (Universitas Indonesia), and I Gusti Agung Ayu Apsari Anandari (Universitas Indonesia) for their paper: “Glowing in the Dark: Resilient Infrastructure and Waste Management Impact on Social Welfare“. 

Recipients of the IRSA-BKF Paper Awards were:

  1. Achmad Rifa’I (Learning-Up Institute), Doddy Purwoharyono (BAPPENAS), and Muhamad Fickri Ramadhan (BAPPENAS) for their paper: “Economy-Wide Impacts of Natural Resource Downstream Policy: the Case of Nickel Moratorium“. 
  2. Muhammad Syaikh Rohman (Universitas Airlangga) for his paper: “The Impact of a Longer Period of Schooling on the Health Outcome and Wealth Outcome: Indonesian Case Study“. 
  3. Peter Warr (Australian National University) and Arief A. Yusuf (Universitas Padjadjaran) for their paper: “Pandemic-induced De-urbanisation in Indonesia“. 


Recipients of the IRSA-BKF Paper Awards were:

  1. Mochamad Thoriq Akbar (Universitas Padjadjaran), Ekki Syamsulhakim (Universitas Padjadjaran), Agung Setiawan (TNP2K), Adiatma Yudistira Manogar Siregar (Universitas Padjadjaran) for their paper: “Healthcare for the Poor: An Impact Evaluation of PBI JKN Social Health Insurance on Healthcare Utilization”.
  2. I Gede Heprin Prayasta (BPS & Universitas Udayana), Ketut Ksama Putra (BPS & Universitas Udayana), I Putu Ryan Brayoga (Universitas Udayana) for their paper: “The Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 to the Dynamics Employment Situation in Indonesia”.
  3. Nauli Aisyiyah Desdiani (Universitas Indonesia), Syahda Sabrina (Universitas Indonesia), Meila Husna (Universitas Indonesia), Amalia Cesarina (Universitas Indonesia), Fachry Abdul Razak (Universitas Indonesia) for their paper: “Local Budget Resilience in Times of Covid-19 Crisis: Evidence from Indonesia”. 


Recipients of the IRSA-BKF Paper Awards were:

  1. Ruth Nikijuluw (ANU) for her paper: “Village Government Form and Local Service Access in Indonesia”.
  2. Luthfi Muhammad Iqbal (BAPPENAS) and Tania Benita (ICRAF) for their paper: “Impact of Archipelago Special Fund on Disparities”.
  3. Sonny Harry B (UI), Ardi Adji (TNP2K) and Saiful Mahdi (UnSyiah) for their paper: “Regional Inequality in Indonesia: Pre and Post Regional Autonomy Analysis”.
  4. Zulfa Rizqi Aisyah (UGM) and Evi Noor Afifah (UGM) for their paper: “The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization on Public Health in Aceh”.


Recipients of the IRSA-BKF Paper Awards were:

  1. Tri Mulyaningsih (UNS), Vitri widyaningsih (UNS), Fitria Nur Rahmawati (UNS) and Dhian Adhitya (UNS) for their paper: “The Role of Nutrition Assistance and Care in the Primary Health Center and Children Double Burden of Malnutrition in Indonesia”.
  2. Takahiro Akita (IUJ), Awaludin Aji Riadi (MoF) and Ali Rizal for their paper: “Fiscal Disparities in Indonesia under Decentralization: To What Extent Has General Allocation Grant (DAU) Equalized Fiscal Revenues?”.
  3. Mochamad Thoriq Akbar (UnPad) and Estro Dariatno Sihaloho (UnPad) for their paper: “The Impact of Village Fund Program in Developing Physical Infrastructure: Case on Construction Value Across Provinces in Indonesia”.