Paper Awards
Recipients of the IRSA-SMI Institute Paper Awards were:
- Uly Faoziyah (Institut Teknologi Bandung) and Wilmar Salim (Institut Teknologi Bandung) for their paper: “Two decades of decentralization and infrastructure FTVs development in Indonesia“.
- Sri Juli Asdiyanti Samuda (North Maluku Province’s Statistics Indonesia), Dwi Atmi Rohmatilah (Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture), and Rus’an Nasrudin (Universitas Indonesia) for their paper: “Indonesia’s Electricity Access Convergence: Current Assessment of the Progress Using the Spatial Approach“.
- Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari (Universitas Indonesia), I Putu Hedi Sasrawan (Universitas Indonesia), and I Gusti Agung Ayu Apsari Anandari (Universitas Indonesia) for their paper: “Glowing in the Dark: Resilient Infrastructure and Waste Management Impact on Social Welfare“.
Recipients of the IRSA-BKF Paper Awards were:
- Achmad Rifa’I (Learning-Up Institute), Doddy Purwoharyono (BAPPENAS), and Muhamad Fickri Ramadhan (BAPPENAS) for their paper: “Economy-Wide Impacts of Natural Resource Downstream Policy: the Case of Nickel Moratorium“.
- Muhammad Syaikh Rohman (Universitas Airlangga) for his paper: “The Impact of a Longer Period of Schooling on the Health Outcome and Wealth Outcome: Indonesian Case Study“.
- Peter Warr (Australian National University) and Arief A. Yusuf (Universitas Padjadjaran) for their paper: “Pandemic-induced De-urbanisation in Indonesia“.
Recipients of the IRSA-BKF Paper Awards were:
- Mochamad Thoriq Akbar (Universitas Padjadjaran), Ekki Syamsulhakim (Universitas Padjadjaran), Agung Setiawan (TNP2K), Adiatma Yudistira Manogar Siregar (Universitas Padjadjaran) for their paper: “Healthcare for the Poor: An Impact Evaluation of PBI JKN Social Health Insurance on Healthcare Utilization”.
- I Gede Heprin Prayasta (BPS & Universitas Udayana), Ketut Ksama Putra (BPS & Universitas Udayana), I Putu Ryan Brayoga (Universitas Udayana) for their paper: “The Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 to the Dynamics Employment Situation in Indonesia”.
- Nauli Aisyiyah Desdiani (Universitas Indonesia), Syahda Sabrina (Universitas Indonesia), Meila Husna (Universitas Indonesia), Amalia Cesarina (Universitas Indonesia), Fachry Abdul Razak (Universitas Indonesia) for their paper: “Local Budget Resilience in Times of Covid-19 Crisis: Evidence from Indonesia”.
Recipients of the IRSA-BKF Paper Awards were:
- Ruth Nikijuluw (ANU) for her paper: “Village Government Form and Local Service Access in Indonesia”.
- Luthfi Muhammad Iqbal (BAPPENAS) and Tania Benita (ICRAF) for their paper: “Impact of Archipelago Special Fund on Disparities”.
- Sonny Harry B (UI), Ardi Adji (TNP2K) and Saiful Mahdi (UnSyiah) for their paper: “Regional Inequality in Indonesia: Pre and Post Regional Autonomy Analysis”.
- Zulfa Rizqi Aisyah (UGM) and Evi Noor Afifah (UGM) for their paper: “The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization on Public Health in Aceh”.
Recipients of the IRSA-BKF Paper Awards were:
- Tri Mulyaningsih (UNS), Vitri widyaningsih (UNS), Fitria Nur Rahmawati (UNS) and Dhian Adhitya (UNS) for their paper: “The Role of Nutrition Assistance and Care in the Primary Health Center and Children Double Burden of Malnutrition in Indonesia”.
- Takahiro Akita (IUJ), Awaludin Aji Riadi (MoF) and Ali Rizal for their paper: “Fiscal Disparities in Indonesia under Decentralization: To What Extent Has General Allocation Grant (DAU) Equalized Fiscal Revenues?”.
- Mochamad Thoriq Akbar (UnPad) and Estro Dariatno Sihaloho (UnPad) for their paper: “The Impact of Village Fund Program in Developing Physical Infrastructure: Case on Construction Value Across Provinces in Indonesia”.