
Mataram University

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Mataram University was founded in 1963 and is currently have shown positive developments, both physically and in the number of study programs that built. The current study program at FEB consists of nine majors/study programs consisting of: from: DIII Taxation Study Program, Accounting DIII Study Program and DIII Study Program Tourism, S1 Department of Economics and Development Studies (IESP), S1 Management Department, S1 Accounting Department, Management S2 Study Program, Accounting S2 Study Program, and Programs Master’s Degree in Economics.

This Strategic Plan (Renstra) is a medium-term plan that outlines the vision, mission, objectives, strategies and policies of the FEB for 2020-2024. This strategic plan is prepared by maintaining the continuity of faculty development, which is made based on previous evaluations and accommodate internal and external issues growing.


Mataram University and IRSA

Faculty of Economy and Business of the Mataram University has hosted the 17th IRSA Conference (IRSA 2022).

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Syiah Kuala University

Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB) of the Syiah Kuala University was the first faculty established at the Syiah Kuala University when the university was founded on 2 September 1959. Besides running an undergraduate program, the FEB also organizes master programs in Economics and Development Studies, in Management, in Accounting and Islamic Economics. Since 1999, the FEB opened a PhD program in Economics.


Syiah Kuala University and IRSA

Faculty of Economy and Business of the Syiah Kuala University has hosted the 15th IRSA Conference (IRSA 2019).

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Sebelas Maret University

About Sebelas Maret University

Faculty of Economy and Business of the Sebelas Maret University was established based on the Republic of Indonesia President Decree Number No. 55 of 1982. FEB UNS achieves a comparable level in the national accreditation (BAN-PT). All undergraduate level programs has accredited with A level from national high education accreditation team (BAN-PT). As in international level, FEB UNS has developed international collaboration such as Curtin University, Purdue University, International University of Japan, Loughborough University, Univeristy of Twente, Canberra University, La Rochelle University, and many more. FEB UNS has been registered in the three international accreditation organizations as well such as Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB), the Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow (ABEST 21), and the Association of Asia‐Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS).

Sebelas Maret University and IRSA

Faculty of Economy and Business of the Sebelas Maret University has hosted the 14th IRSA Conference (IRSA 2018).

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Sam Ratulangi University

About Sam Ratulangi University

Sam Ratulangi University (Universitas Sam Ratulangi, abbreviated as UNSRAT) is a state university in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It was established on September 14, 1965.

The Faculty of Economics and Business – Sam Ratulangi University (FEB-UnSrat) and IRSA

Faculty of Economics and Business, Sam Ratulangi University will hosted the 6th IRSA International Institute (2017).

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