June 1, 2003
Decentralization, Natural Resources, and Regional Development in Indonesia
Release Date: | June 2003 |
Editor(s): | Budy P. Resosudarmo, Armida Alisjahbana and Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro |
ISBN: | 979-96989-1-X |
Series: | IRSA Book Series on Regional Development No. 2 |
Price: | Sold Out |
This book comprises six papers presented at the 4th Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) International Conference in Bali, June 20-21, 2002. The topic of the conference was “Decentralization, Natural Resources and Regional Development in the Pacific Rim’. Implementation of decentralization and natural resource management policies varies widely across countries in the Pacific Rim. Styles of government ranging from fully centralized to fully decentralized, with many variations in between. In managing natural resources, there are countries where they are managed solely by the government, those where the private sector or communities surrounding the resources manage them, as well as countries in which they are managed jointly by government, the private sector and the community.