June 23, 2020
IRSA Book Series on Regional Development Call for Papers
The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) is preparing its IRSA Book Series on Regional Development No. 19. The topic of this book will be on regional aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Hence, we seek papers reporting and/or analysing local dynamics related to the spread of Covid-19 pandemic in a region of Indonesia.
Potential topics to be covered include, but not limited to:
- health and public health
- politics and governance
- economics and regional development
- education, human capital and labour market
- regional finance and fiscal policy
- industry and trade
- infrastructure and services
- food and agriculture
- technology, innovation and creative work
- social capital, community and trust
- environment, natural resources and sustainable development
English written papers of maximum 4,000 words should be submitted to budy.resosudarmo@anu.edu.au by 5.00pm WIB on 15 September 2020. Main authors of papers selected will be given registration fee waivers and slots to present their papers in the upcoming IRSA Conference (https://yogyakarta2021.irsa.or.id).
The book will be edited by Budy P. Resosudarmo, D.S Priyarsono, Arief A. Yusuf, Alin Halimatussadiah, and Devanto Pratomo. The book is expected to be published by mid 2021.
For more information about IRSA Book Series on Regional Development, please contact Budy P. Resosudarmo at budy.resosudarmo@anu.edu.au.
President IRSA
Arief A. Yusuf