The 7th IRSA International Conference
3-4 August 2005, Jakarta
The 7th IRSA International Conference
“Natural Disasters’ Impacts and Challenges for Recovery: Economic Development Strategy Focusing on Aids, Governance, Infrastructure & Environment”
Chair: Suahasil Nazara
Host: IRSA, FE UI (Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia) and BAPPENAS
An unexpected event such as the earthquake and tsunami in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and North Sumatra, and recently in Nias and Padang has brought about different development consequences to the region. In NAD, more specifically, years of development were wiped out by tsunami waves in a matter of minutes and hours. The redevelopment efforts start, in principle, from nothing. The blueprint of the redevelopment strategy, prepared by the Government of Indonesia (GOI), has addressed different important issues of the redevelopment.
One mandate of the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) is to bridge theoretical analysis with policy-making process. In the reflection of the natural disaster in Sumatra and Nias regions, this mandate is even of greater importance. In its 7 th series of annual conference, IRSA expects to house discussions on different challenges, faced by Government of Indonesia and the people of Sumatra and Nias, on the recovery and the redevelopment of the area. It is expected that the conference will also elaborate lessons learned from other parts of the world facing similar problems.
By the time when the Conference is held, there is an ample amount of time for reflections about the disaster-impacted area. The GOI redevelopment blueprint is already in effect, some government programs should have been initiated, infrastructure development may well be in progress, etc. It is therefore expected that the conference will provide policy makers a venue to assess these intervention, and obtain various comments and appraisals from fellow policy makers, NGOs, academicians as well as the private sectors.
The redevelopment of disaster-impacted areas will rely heavily on international aids, need to rewrite the governance structure, require massive infrastructure development, and preserve the environment. These are the dimensions that one needs to realize in the analysis. On a broader context, these dimensions are important elements of the economic development. That is the reason why papers addressing these elements, although not directly related with the recover process of disaster-impacted area, should also be presented in the conference.
This year, IRSA is in collaboration with the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (FEUI) in conducting the 7 th IRSA International Conference.
Conference Venue
Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia
University of Indonesia Campus
Depok, Indonesia – 16424
This Conference is jointly organized by:
- Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA)
- National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)
- Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia (FEUI)
The Structure of the organizer is as follows:
Advisory Committee:
- Bambang Bintoro Soedjito (Advisory board of IRSA / BAPPENAS)
- Raksaka Mahi (Advisory board of IRSA / FEUI)
- Bambang Brodjonegoro (President of IRSA / The Dean of FEUI)
- Armida Alisjahbana (Vice President of IRSA / Padjadjaran University)
- Budy Resosudarmo (ANU)
Organizing committee:
- Suahasil Nazara (FEUI)
- Nuzul Achyar (FEUI)
- Mudrajad Kuncoro (UGM)
- Pungky Sumadi (BAPPENAS)
Coordinator in-charge:
- Santi B. Handayani (FEUI)
The 7th IRSA International Conference Secretariat
Dr. Suahasil Nazara
Graduate Program of Economics
University of Indonesia
Depok Campus – 16424
+ Phone: +62 (21) 78849152 – 53
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