The 3rd IRSA International Institute
19-21 July 2011, Padang – West Sumatra
“Regional Development and Finances: Challenges for Expanding and Financing Public Services in the Decentralized Era”
Chair: Hefrizal Handra
Host: IRSA, UNAND (Andalas University) and BAPPENAS
Regional development, from time to time, has faced various challenges. In Indonesia, relatively recent democratization and decentralization, which were hoped to promote local development, are so far considered slowing down this development. Additional challenges come from climate changes, natural disasters and other extreme event which force the government to reshape its regional development. On the other hand, people needs and expectations public services continue to increase. This increased demand for public services in terms of quantity as well as quality exceeds the growth of infrastructures and public services such as water supply and sanitation, drainage, health care, etc.
Many factors contribute to lower provision of public services in regions. Nevertheless, limited financial resources are always blamed as the main factors of such phenomenon. Various alternatives of financial schemes other than regional government expenditure have been developed to foster regional development such as private sector initiatives, public-private partnership, municipal bond, etc. However, regional development still highly relies on the central government supports. Ironically, inadequate resources are worsened by poor financial management and corruptions.
Various questions appear to be discussed. Are there sufficient financial resources to accelerate regional development in Indonesia? Given the current condition, is there any alternative way to speed up regional development and expand the provision of public services? What are lessons and experiences in other countries that can be adopted in Indonesia? We need to explore the current and future challenges for accelerating regional development and opportunities in the era of regional economic integrations as well as decentralization. On July 20 and 21, 2011, the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with the Andalas University conducts its 3rd IRSA International Institute gathering various experts and policymakers on regional development in Indonesia as well as in other surrounding countries. Hopefully, this event can offer alternative policies to expedite the regional development given various constraints.
The main objective of this institute is to help overcome challenges for expanding and financing public services in the decentralized era. Through this institute, the transfer of knowledge as well as discussion and debate on formulating policies, strategies and approaches for faster and sustainable regional development are facilitated. Moreover, this event also intends to facilitate academics in Indonesia to be a part of international communities.
Theme and Topics
The 3rd IRSA International Institute is a series of lectures with several paper sessions in between. The lectures and paper sessions are organized on topics such as
- Financing Regional Development, Public-Private Partnership, Regional Investment Climate, Fiscal Decentralization, Regional Bureaucratic Reforms,
- Urban and regional Transportation, Regional and Urban Planning, Regional Modeling, Health and Education Services in Region, Clean/Drinking Water Provisions, Energy and other Regional Infrastructures Issues,
- Location of Economic Activity, Regional Private Sector Development, Poverty and Inter-regional Disparities, Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Political Economics of Regional Development.
- Regional Environmental Quality and Regional Climate Change Policy
Expected Participants
- Members of the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA)
- Members of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
- Academicians
- Government officials in Indonesia (BAPPENAS, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Works, and other central government entities)
- Regional government officials in Indonesia (Province/Kabupaten/Kota Bappeda, Dinas Offices, others)
- Central Bank Officials
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Private sectors
- International donor communities.
- Interested parties from other regional science and economics societies
Cenference Venue
The Institute venue is in the campus of Andalas University (Unand), Padang – Indonesia. The campus is located in Limau Manih Padang which is about 15 km from the center of Padang, Indonesia.
Andalas University
Kampus Limau Manih
Padang – 25163
West Sumatra – Indonesia
This Institute is jointly organized by Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) and Andalas University (UNAND). The detail or committee is as follows:
Board of Protectors (Pelindung)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Musliar Kasim (Rector of Andalas University)
Prof. Dr. Armida Alisjahbana (President of IRSA)
Advisory Committee
Prof. Dr. Helmi (Vice Rector for Cooperation, Andalas University)
Dr. Ir. Febrin Anas Ismail (Vice Rector for Academic Affair, Andalas University)
Dr. Werry Darta Taifur (Vice Rector for Administration and Finance, Andalas University)
Prof Dr. Novesar Jamarun (Vice Rector for Student Affair, Andalas University)
Prof Dr. Syafruddin Karimi, (Dean of Faculty of Economics, Andalas University)
Prof Dr. Novirman Jamarun, (Director of Graduate Schools, Andalas University)
Steering Committee
Dr. Budy P. Resosudarmo (Vice President of IRSA)
Dr. D.S. Priyarsono (Vice President of IRSA)
Dr. Arief Anshory Yusuf (General Secretary of IRSA)
Dr. Hefrizal Handra (Andalas University)
Prof. Dr. Syafrizal (Andalas University)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Melinda Noer, MSc. (Andalas University)
Dr. Efa Yonnedi (Andalas University)
Prof. Dr. Fashbir M. Noorsidin (Andalas University)
Prof. Dr. Firwan Tan (Andalas University)
Prof. Dr. Elfindri (Andalas University)
Prof. Dr. Afrizal, MA (Andalas University)
Organizing Committee
Dr. Hefrizal Handra (Andalas University)
Dr. Efa Yonnedi (Andalas University)
Drs. Masrizal, M.Soc.Sc (Andalas University)
Vice Secretary:
Edi Ariyanto, SE, MSi (Andalas University)
Fauzan Misra, SE, MSi, Ak. (Andalas University)
Workshop/Training Organizer:
Fajri Muharja, SE, MSi – Coordinator (Andalas University)
Vonny Indah Mutiara, SP, M.EM. (Andalas University)
Conference Organizer:
Sri Maryati, SE, MSi – Coordinator (Andalas University)
M. Nazer, SE, MA (Andalas University)
Yessi Andriani, SE, M.Ec. (Andalas University)
Syaiful Anwar, SE, MSi (Andalas University)
Rahmat Kurniawan, SE, MSi, Ak. (Andalas University)
Ferry Andrianus, SE, MSi – Coordinator (Andalas University)
Fajri Adrianto, SE, MBus. (Andalas University)
Logistics and Supplies:
Febriandi Prima Putra, SE, MSi. – Coordinator (Andalas University)
Dudi Permana, ST, MM. (Andalas University)
Main Agenda
Day 1 : Tuesday, 19 July 2011 | |
08:00-08:30 | Registration |
08:30-10:00 | Workshop Session 1 Location: Computer Laboratory, Building III, Faculty of Economics Class 1:”Endogeneity problem in econometrics Concept of MTEF and Implementation in Indonesia” Moderator: Drs. Syafril Basir (MPIA, BAPPENAS) Class 2 :”Introduction to Econometrics and STATA” Moderator: Dr. Indrawari (Andalas University) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00 | Workshop Session 2 Location : Computer Laboratory, Building III, Faculty of Economics Class 1: “Various Methods of MTEF and Forecasting” Moderator: Dr. Hefrizal Handra (Andalas University) Class 2: “Instrumental Variables” Moderator: Dr. Paul Burke (ANU) |
12:00-13:30 | Luncheon |
13:30-16:00 | Workshop Session 3 Location : Computer Laboratory, Building III, Faculty of Economics Laboratory Works |
Day 2 : Wednesday, 20 July 2011 | |
08:00-09:00 | Registration |
09:00-09:30 | Opening Ceremony |
09:30-10:15 | Other |
10:15-10:45 | Coffee Break |
10:45-11:00 | Other |
11:00-12:15 | Plenary Session 1 “Regional Science and Peace Science: Their Influences on the Regional Development in the Developing Countries (Honoring Walter Isard for his contribution)” Prof. Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (University of Illinois, USA) Dr. Luky Eko Wuryanto (Deputy at Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affair) Dr. Ir. Imron Bulkin (Expert Staff, Bappenas) |
12:15-13:15 | Luncheon |
13:15-15:15 | Parallel Session 1 |
15:15-15:45 | Coffee Break |
15:45-17:00 | Lecture Session 1 Class 1: “New Alternative of Financing Regional Development and Services” Lecturer: Prof. Ross McLeod (ANU) Class 2: “Current Social and Economic Issues in Regional Development” Lecturer : Prof. Sjafrizal (Andalas University) |
17:00-19:30 | Break |
19:30-21:00 | Gala Dinner |
Day 3 : Thursday, 21 July 2011 | |
08:00-08:30 | Registration |
08:30-10:30 | Parallel Session 2 |
10:30-10:45 | Coffee Break |
10:45-12:15 | Plenary Session 2 “Financial Arrangement to Accelerate Regional Development” Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro (Head of Fiscal Policy Agency, MOF) Dr. Daan Pattinasarany (The World Bank of Jakarta) |
12:15-13:15 | Luncheon |
13:15-15:15 | Parallel Session 3 |
15:15-15:30 | Coffee Break |
15:30-16:00 | Closing Remark |
Parallel Session
Name of presenter(s) is underlined
Day 2 : Wednesday, 20 July 2011 |
13:15-15:15 | Parallel Session 1 |
Track 1: “Regional Development”Developing Tourism in West Sumatra: What do they need? Author(s): Haikal Ananta Setiawan (Universitas Padjadjaran)The Transformation from Nodal Economic Center to Linear Economic Center. The Case Study of Buah Batu Corridor, Bandung, Indonesia Author(s) : Deddie Rinaldi (Procter & Gamble), Ridwan Sutriadi (Institut Teknologi Bandung) Long-Wave Eras in Indonesia, 1960s-2000s: Did the Heterogeneous Pattern Occur in National and Regional Economic Performance? Author(s) : Bhimo R. Samudro (Faculty of Economics Sebelas Maret University Surakarta Indonesia) Knowledge-Based Regional Development in Indonesia: Challenge and Future Author(s) : Galuh S. Indraprahasta (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) Regional Vulnerability to Economic Crises: Conceptual and Theoretical Discussions Author(s) : Tulus T. H. Tambunan (Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies, Trisakti University) |
Track 2: “Human Resources Issues”Local Human Capital and Productivity in West Java Author(s) : Alfiah Hasanah (CEDS, Padjadjaran University), Heriyaldi (CEDS, Padjadjaran University), Tubagus Thresna. Irijanto (Pasundan University)Dwelling Pattern of Contract Worker in Peri-urban Areas Author(s) : Ainna Aqmarini (Undergraduate Student of Urban and Regional Planning SAPPK ITB), Dewi Sawitri (Lecturer of Urban and Regional Planning SAPPK ITB) Migration Pattern of Contract Workers in Peri-urban Area (Case Study: Automotive Industry Activities in Cikarang Bekasi) Author(s) : Dita Nurtamya (Student of Urban and Regional Planning, ITB), Dewi Sawitri (Lecture of Urban and Regional Planning, ITB) The Role of Labor Union in Explaining the Wage Differentials in Indonesia’s Labor Intensive Manufacturing Sectors Author(s) : Pipit Pitriyan (CEDS Faculty of Economics, Padjadjaran University), Adiatma Y. M. Siregar (CEDS Faculty of Economics, Padjadjaran University) Minimum wages and Commuting Author(s) : Raden M. Purnagunawan (Faculty of Economics, Universitas Padjadjaran) |
Track 3: “Economic Development Issues”Structural Changes and Economic Growth in Indonesia Author(s) : Mitsuhiko KATAOKA (Chiba Keizai University)Structuring Domestic Gas market Author(s) : Montty Girianna (The National Development Planning Agency), Fillia Arga (The National Development Planning Agency) Early Warning System (EWS) Models and Their Application to Predict the Indonesian Currency Crises Author(s) : Syaifullah (Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia/University of Western Australia) Exploring the Indonesian Economic Landscape and Structural Change using the Input Output Framework 1971-2008 Author(s) : Budi Kurniawan (BPS), Muhammad Firdaus (IPB), Sri Mulatsih (IPB) The Using of Normalized Location Quotient (LQn) Method in Order to Determine Leading Commodities in Regional Economic Activities Author(s) : Sri Endang. Kornita (University of Riau) |
Track 4: “Fiscal Decentralization”Moral Hazard between the Central and Local Governments in Indonesia Author(s) : Fauziah Zen (University of Indonesia), Astrid Dita (Post Graduate Student in Economics, University of Indonesia)The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth: Evidence from Province-level Cross-section Data for the Indonesia Author(s) : Muhammad Zilal. Hamzah (Indonesian Business School), Eleonora Sofilda (Trisakti University) Fiscal Decentralization and Illicit Funds: Governing The Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism Author(s) : Ahmad Fawaiq. Suwanan (National Economic Council), Safirani Simehate (Ministry of National Development Planning) The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth and Regional Inequality Author(s) : Abd Hamid. Paddu (Hasanuddin University) The Analysis of Public Welfare Through Participative Approach at Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Author(s) : Ridwan Ahmad (Brawijaya University) |
Track 5: “Environmental Issues”Reducing Indonesia’s Deforestation-based Greenhouse Gas Emissions Author(s) : Peter G. Warr (The Australian National University), Arief A. Yusuf (Padjadjaran University)Energy Efficiency Priority for Indonesia: A General Equilibrium Analysis Author(s) : Armida Alisjahbana (Padjadjaran University), Arief A. Yusuf (Padjadjaran University), Victor Firmana (Padjadjaran University), Martin D. Siyaranamual (University of Venice; Padjadjaran University) Steering Green Economy through Adapting Urban Creative Economy into Governance System in the Information Era. Case Study Bandung City and Surabaya City, Indonesia Author(s) : Ridwan Sutriadi (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Christopher Silver (University of Florida) Environmental Policy Support for Regional Development: Development Indicators Evaluation Author(s) : Galuh S. Indraprahasta (Bogor Agricultural University & Indonesian Institute of Sciences) Analysis of Illegal Settlements in Palangkaraya City, Indonesia: A Rural-Urban-Natural Environmental Modeling Author(s) : Yuzuru Miyata (Toyohashi University of Technology), Indrawan Permana (Toyohashi University of Technology) |
Track 6: “Disparity and Poverty”Income Disparity in Indonesia by Using CGE Model Author(s) : Hiroshi Sakamoto (The International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development)The Impact of Population Growth Control on Regional Disparity in Indonesia Author(s) : Ferry Hadiyanto (UNPAD), Rindang (BKKBN) Linkages Between Public Sector Expenditure, Economic Growth, and Rural Poverty in Indonesia Author(s) : Ferry Prasetyia (Faculty of Economic Brawijaya University), Farah Wulandari. Pangestuty (Faculty of Economic Brawijaya University) Urban Inequality in Indonesia Author(s) : Akita Takahiro (Graduate School of International Relations International University of Japan), Alit Pirmansah (Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia) The Regional Spreads of Dengue Fever and Economic Development in Indonesia: Regulation, Contradiction and Cumulative Causation Author(s) : Dinarjati E. Puspitasari (Faculty of Law Gadjah Mada University), Bhimo R. Samudro (Faculty of Economics Sebelas Maret University) |
Track 7: “Urban and Rural Development Issues”Food for Indigenous Communities in Times of Global Crisis: the Comparison Experiences of Orang Rimba Community (in Jambi, Indonesia) and Ifugao Community (in the Philippines) Author(s) : Ekoningtyas M. Wardani (Center for Asia and Pacific Studies, Gadjah Mada University)Analysis of Illegal Settlements in Palangkaraya City, Indonesia: A Rural-Urban-Natural Environmental Modeling Author(s) : Yuzuru Miyata (Toyohashi University of Technology), Indrawan Permana (Toyohashi University of Technology) How the PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan Can be Able to Boost Poverty Reduction? Author(s) : Eka Heni. Sulistiani (National Economic Council, Jakarta), Rian Novati. Sandi (National Economic Council, Jakarta) Enviromental Degradation, Urbanisation and Decentralisation in Indonesia (Testing Environmental Kuznets Curve) Author(s) : Dedi B. Hakim (Department of Economics Faculty of Economics and Management Bogor Agricultural University) |
Track 8: “Macroeconomics, Finance and Banking”Financing Scheme for Regional Banking Based on SMEs’s Characteristics (A Case study of SMEs (UMKM) on Leading Sector in South Sulawesi) Author(s) : Sabir (Hasanuddin University (Unhas) Makassar), Nurul Badriyah (Brawijaya University (UB) Malang), Farida Rachmawati (State University of Malang (UM) Malang)Impacts of Agricultural Export Subsidies Elimination by Developed Counties on the Performance of ASEAN Macroeconomies and Indonesian Trade Balance Author(s) : Haryadi (Jambi University) Constructing the Index of Indonesian Monthly Private Consumption Expenditure Author(s) : Achmad K. Hidayat (CEDS), Arief Bustaman (CEDS), Anhar Fauzan (CEDS), Adhitya Wardhana (CEDS), Eva Nurwita (CEDS) The Role Of Financial Deepening And Condition On Asean 5 Economic Integration: Finance-Growth Nexus Perspectives Author(s) : Lukman Hakim (Faculty of Economics Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia), Jauhari Dahalan (College Art and Sciences Northern University of Malaysia) Assessing the Contribution of Islamic Banking to Economic Growth Empirical Evidence from Indonesia: A Regional Perspective Author(s) : Dimas Bagus. Kusuma (Wiranata Kusuma) |
Day 3 : Thursday, 21 July 2011 |
08:30-10:30 | Parallel Session 2 |
Track 1: “Regional Development”The Impact of Manufacturing Concentration on Regional Inequality: A Case of Regency in Java Region, Indonesia Author(s) : Setyo Tri. Wahyudi (Department of Economics, Brawijaya University Malang Indonesia), Mohd Dan. Jantan (Department of Economics, Universiti Utara Malaysia)Issues and Challenges in Implementing TOD in Jakarta Metropolitan Area Author(s) : Ibnu Syabri (Institut Teknologi Bandung) Flexibility and the Political Economy of Regional Development in Periurban Metropolitan Region Author(s) : Ratih Dewayanti (Doctoral Program on Urban and Regional Planning, SAPPK, ITB) The Contribution of Semarang Airport to the Regional Economy of Central Java: Who Should Invest in the Airport Development? Author(s) : D.S. Priyarsono (Bogor Agricultural University), Christina C. Tampubolon (Bogor Agricultural University) Multiple Approaches to Test Regional Productivity Convergence in Indonesia Author(s) : I Wayan. Arsana (BPS Statistics of Bali Province/The University of Western Australia) |
Track 2: “Macroeconomics, Growth and Investment”Do Inflation and Its Volatility Affect Economic Growth in Indonesia’s Regions? Author(s) : Donni F. Anugrah (UWA)Quality of Institution, Export and Foreign Direct Investment Author(s) : Indrawari (Andalas University) An Evaluation on Institution of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Indonesia Author(s) : Arief Ramayandi (Center for Economics & Development Study, Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University), Arief Bustaman (Center for Economics & Development Study, Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University) Determinants of Energy Intensity in Relation to Macroeconomic Condition: Study Case of Indonesia Author(s) : Mei Anggun. Soraya (Universitas Airlangga), B.M. Hafiz Arfyanto (Universitas Airlangga), Weny Octavia. Wardani (Universitas Airlangga) An Inappropriate Government Policies: A Case from Small and Medium Enterprises in Bekasi Industrial Area Author(s) : Ridwansyah Y. Achmad (Regional and Rural Planning Research Group. Institut Teknologi Bandung), Tubagus F. Sofhani (Regional and Rural Planning Research Group. Institut Teknologi Bandung) |
Track 3: “Economic Development Issues”The Performance of Base Multiplier and The Issue of Integrated Economic Development on Horse Shoe Area in East Java Province Author(s) : Adhitya Wardhono (University of Jember), Agus Supriono (University of Jember)The Development of Key Indicators in Optimizing Tourism Service in Bali Author(s) : Jagat Prirayani (Bank of Indonesia Palembang Regional Office), Agni Alam. Awirya (Bank of Indonesia Denpasar Regional Office) To Meet Regional Competitiveness Through Entrepreneurship Development in Ecotourism Activities Author(s) : Iwan Nugroho (Widyagama University), Purnawan Dwikora. Negara (Widyagama University), Wiwin Purnomowati (Widyagama University) Effectiveness of the various sources of investment financing in Indonesia: An analysis using a Financial Social Accounting Matrix (FSAM) framework Author(s) : Eko Ariantoro (Bank Indonesia), Widyastuti Noviandari (Bank Indonesia), Muhammad Zikri (Bank Indonesia) Analysis of the regional growth and volatility for Indonesia case, a spatial econometric approach Author (s) : Agus Salim (Department of Economics & Institute for Economic and Social Research FEUI), Yulismi (University of Jambi) |
Track 4: “Decentralization Issues”The Assessment of Local Autonomy Implications in Banten Province : Shifting of Local Planning System Perspective Author(s) : Lyra V. Ferbita (The Indonesian Institute of Sciences – Economic Research Centre)Challenges for Decentralization?: Development Practices and Policies for Local Food in the Gunungkidul District Level, Yogyakarta Author(s) : Farah Purwaningrum (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn), Ambar Yoganingrum (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia/ Universitas Indonesia), Dini Ariani (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia), Fiona McDonald (Queensland University of Technology), Stephanie Doris. Short (University of Sydney) An Enquiry of Optimal Size of Local Government in Providing Public Services: Author(s) : Muhammad Handry. Imansyah (Faculty of Economics, Lambung Mangkurat University) Efficient and Democratic Budget Policy for Regional Election (case:Solok City Regional Election) Author (s) : Hendri Koeswara (Andalas university) Presenter (s) : Hendri Koeswara (Andalas university) Politics, Society And Environment: Lessons Learned From The Province Of Riau Author(s) : Afrizal (Dept. of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Andalas University) |
Track 5: “Environmental Issues”The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Its Implication on the Indonesian Economy: A General Equilibrium Analysis Author(s) : Wawan Hermawan (Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia)CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Indonesia Author(s) : Hafiz Arfyanto (Airlangga University), Ratih Twi. Septiriana (Airlangga University), Siti Fariha (Airlangga University) The national-level energy ladder and its carbon implications Author(s) : Paul J. Burke (Australian National University) Environmental Policy Support for Regional Development: Development Indicators Evaluation Author(s) : Galuh S. Indraprahasta (Bogor Agricultural University & Indonesian Institute of Sciences) The Transformation from Nodal Economic Center to Linear Economic Center. The Case Study of Buah Batu Corridor, Bandung, Indonesia Author (s) : Deddie Rinaldi (Procter & Gamble), Ridwan Sutriadi (Institut Teknologi Bandung) |
Track 6: “Public Spending and Environment”Utilization Of Spatial Data For Regional Development In The East Nusa Tenggara Province (A Case Study In The Development Of Water And Sanitation) Author(s) : Melchias Liklikwatil (East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government)Regional Enlargement on Forest Management in Indonesia: Economic Optimalization or Exploitation? Author (s) : Ciplis Gema. Qori’ah (University of Jember), Gigih Pratomo (Gadjah Mada University), Yulia Indrawati (University of Jember) Public Spending on Health Outcome: Case of Indonesia Author(s) : Nurafni Panjaitan (Department of Economics Universitas Padjadjaran), Mohamad Fahmi (Department of Economics Universitas Padjadjaran) Poverty, Religious Ritual Perform, and Destructive Behavior to Coral Reef Ecosystem Author(s) : Mansur Afifi (University of Mataram) Improving Local Government Financial Reporting Author(s) : Fauzan Misra (Andalas University) |
Track 7: “Disparities, Growth and Poverty”Multidimensional Poverty in Transmigration and Non Transmigration Villages, West Seram District, Maluku Province Author(s) : Wardis Girsang (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pattimura)Pro Poor Growth At Province Level In Indonesia Author(s) : Atie M. Soehartini (Statistics of Indonesia), Nunung Nuryartono (Bogor Agricultural University), Lukytawati Anggraeni (Bogor Agricultural University) Diversity Issue in the Recent Development of Papua Author(s) : Aloysius G. Brata (Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University) Cities and Regional Disparities in Indonesia Author(s) : Andrea Emma. Pravitasari (Bogor Agricultural University), Ernan Rustiadi (Bogor Agricultural University) |
Track 8: “Rural Development Issues”Pathways Out of Poverty in Rural Areas: Rural-Urban Migration and Structural Transformation in Indonesia, 2001-2007 Author (s) : C. Nila Warda (Department of Economics Airlangga University), Septi Eka. Irianti, B.M. Arfyanto ()Study On Maize Agribusiness Development In Tanah Laut Regency Of South Kalimantan Province Author(s) : Yusuf Azis (Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University) Identifying The Socio-Economic Characteristics Of Indonesian Villages Vulnerable To Sea Level Rise Author(s) : Megananda Suryana (CEDS UNPAD) An Institutional Improvement on Agricultural Extension in Enhancing the Agriculture Performance in Central Java Province – Indonesia Author(s) : Sucihatiningsih D.W. Prajanti (UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG) Individual income mobility in Indonesia: is rural-urban migration the key? Author(s) : Katy Cornwell (Monash University, Melbourne) |
13:15-15:15 | Parallel Session 3 |
Track 1: “Regional Development”Improving Regional Transport Accessibility in Less-Developed and Isolated Region (Case Study: SWP-1 Papua-Indonesia) Author(s) : Yudistira Pratama (Researcher at Regional and City Infrastructure Research Group, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknologi Bandung), Hanesty Forisa (Researcher at Regional and City Infrastructure Research Group, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknolo), Ibnu Syabri (Professor and Head of Research Centre for Regional and Infrastructure Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung)Transformation of Natural Catastrophe Potential Index Due to Regional Planning Author(s) : Andi Syukri (Andalas University), Fajri Muharja (Andalas University) Effectiveness of Integrated Economic Development Zone of Regional Economic Development in Indonesia Author(s) : Djaimi Bakce (Riau University), Sakti Hutabarat (Riau University), Rachmat Sumedhi (PT. MU Research and Consulting Indonesia) The Role of Palm Oil and Rubber to West Sumatera Economy: An Input-Output Analysis Author(s) : Gaffari Ramadhan (Bank Indonesia Padang Regional Office) Determining Optimal Location of New Growth Centers Based on LGP-IRIO Model to Reduce Regional Disparity in Indonesia Author(s) : Andi S. Putra (Bogor Agriculture Institute) |
Track 2: “Human Resources and Welfare Issues”Impact Of Ageing Population To Tax Revenue: An Indonesian Case Author(s) : Jaka Sriyana (Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta)An Analysis of Marketing Mechanism and Trade of Rice Comodity, And Their Impact to The Farmer Welfare: A Study Case from East Java Author(s) : Karima Mucha (Universitas Airlangga), Chomsatun Nila. Wardah (Universitas Airlangga), Dwi Pradita. Rachman (Universitas Airlangga) The Role of Labor Union in Explaining the Wage Differentials in Indonesia’s Labor Intensive Manufacturing Sectors Author(s) : Pipit Pitriyan (CEDS Faculty of Economics, Padjadjaran University), Adiatma Y.M. Siregar (CEDS Faculty of Economics, Padjadjaran University) |
Track 3: “Development Issues”Political Economy of the Indonesian Sugar Self Sufficiency Author(s) : Anas Zaini (Bogor Agricultural University and University of Mataram, Indonesia), Hermanto Siregar (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia), Dedi B. Hakim (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia), Parulian Hutagaol (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)The Future And The Sustainability Of Small-Holder Oil Palm Plantation Developent As An Engine Of Regional Economic Growth Author(s) : Syaiful Hadi (Riau University), Suardi Tarumun (Riau University) Analysis Of Infrastructure Development Acceleration Program To The Economy, Inequality And Poverty In Underdeveloped Region In Indonesia Author(s) : Perwita Sari (Statistics of Indonesia), Nunung Nuryartono (Bogor Agricultural University), Lukytawati Anggraeni (Bogor Agricultural University) Comparative Study In Economic Perspective Between The Application Of Organic Fertilizer And Non-Organic Fertilizer On Paddy Fields In Marabahan District, Barito Kuala Regency Of South Kalimantan Author(s) : Yusuf Azis (Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru) Problematic Local Regulations and Local Economic Outcomes: A Case of Three Districts in East Nusa Tenggara Author(s) : Palmira P. Bachtiar (SMERU Research Institute) |
Track 4: “Fiscal and Decentralization”Forward Estimates for Intergovernmental Transfers in Indonesia: Is It Possible? Author(s) : Hefrizal Handra (Faculty of Economics, Andalas University)Decentralization and Social Capital in Indonesia Author(s) : Riatu M. Qibthiyyah (University of Indonesia), Fauziah Zen (University of Indonesia), Ledi Trialdi (University of Indonesia), Astrid Dita (University of Indonesia) The Effect of Fiscal Policy in Indonesia: Structural VAR Analysis Author(s) : Abdurohman (Australian National University) The Role Of Indonesia’s Fiscal Stimulus In Reviving The Economy During Global Financial Cricis: Fact Or Fiction? Author(s) : Mochamad Firman. Hidayat (National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)), Luthfi Ridho (Faculty of Economy University of Indonesia), Gaffari Ramadhan (Bank Indonesia) Is Specific Grant Really “Specific”?: Case of Indonesian Provinces, 2003 – 2009 Author(s) : Kodrat Wibowo (Padjadjaran University) |
Track 5: “Environmental Issues”Sustaining Rural Development and Environmental Quality through Agroforestry Systems Author(s) : Iin Handayani (Murray State University, Kentucky, USA), Priyono Prawito (University of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia)The benefits of Organic Fertilizer Application: Case Garut and Sragen Regencies Author(s) : Catur Sugiyanto (Gadjah Mada University) Peat Swamp Forest Management Scenarios Based on Total Economic Value (Case Study in Lalan Production Forest, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia) Author(s) : Syafrul Yunardy (Merang REDD Pilot Project (MRPP)), Nur Arifatul. Ulya (Forestry Research Institute Palembang, Forestry Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry Republic of Indonesia) The Impact of Climate Change on Export Growth of Twenty Major GHG Emitting Countries Author(s) : Yangki I. Suara (Padjadjaran University) Extractive land use, spatial planning, and their implications for REDD+ in Indonesia: A preliminary analysis Author(s) : Ida Aju. Resosudarmo (Center for International Forestry Research), Sofi Mardiah (Center for International Forestry Research), Nugroho Adi. Utomo (Center for International Forestry Research) |
Track 6: “Governance”E-Government Impacts on Improving Good Governance: Case of Indonesia Author(s) : Alfira Sofia (Institute of Technology Bandung), Suhardi (Institute of Technology Bandung), Herry Irawan (Institute of Technology Bandung)The Implementation of e-Government in Bureaucracy Public Services Change: Challenges and Strategy Author(s) : Johannes Simatupang (Jambi University) General Election Planning in Indonesia Author(s) : Syaiful Anwar (Andalas University) The role of leadership factor in urban and regional development: cases of solid waste management in Greater Yogyakarta and street vendors arrangement in Surakarta Author(s) : Fikri Zul Fahmi (Regional and Rural Planning Research Group SAPPK ITB), Muhamad Ihsani Prawira (Regional and Rural Planning Research Group SAPPK ITB), Delik Hudalah (Regional and Rural Planning Research Group SAPPK ITB) IT Value Creation in Indonesian Local Government: A Service Model Author(s) : Herry Irawan (Institute of Technology Bandung), Suhardi (Institute of Technology Bandung), Alfira Sofia (Institute of Technology Bandung) |
Track 7: “Development and Regulation”Spatial Autocorrelation and Non-Farm Rural Enterprises in Indonesia Author(s) : Susan Olivia (Monash University), John Gibson (University of Waikato), Bonggeun Kim (Seoul National University)Designing A Web-Based Geographic Information System (WEBGIS) To Support Plantation Development In Riau Author(s) : Fajar Restuhadi (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau), Didi Muwardi (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau), Ahmad Rifai (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau) The Impact Of CSR Linkage-Credit For Rural Households Welfare Author(s) : Lukytawati Anggraeni (Bogor Agricultural University), Lala Kolopaking (Bogor Agricultural University), Aji Muchamad. Huda (Bogor Agricultural University) Assessing the Impact of Regional Regulation: An Effort to Improve Regional Invesment Climate in Indonesia Author(s) : Andy Omara (Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada Jogjakarta, Indonesia) Interregional Development Gender Disparity in East Java: A Demographic Economic Descriptive Study with Gender-related Development Index Approach Author(s) : Widya Sylviana (Airlangga University), Nur Aini. Hidayati (Airlangga University), Achmad Sjafii (Airlangga University) |
Track 8: “Trade and Finance”Analysis of Household Participation On Private Health Insurance In West Sumatra Author(s) : Edi Ariyanto (Andalas University), Sri Maryati (Andalas University), Lia Madhani (Andalas University)The Effect of Trade Liberalization on The Exchange Rate, Tax Revenue, and Welfare in Indonesia Author(s) : Indraswati Tri. Reviane (Hasanuddin University) Stock Split and Order Composition: Evidence from Indonesia Author(s) : Eka Siskawati (Politeknik Negeri Padang) |
The annual conference proceeding can be downloaded from this link.