The 2nd IRSA International Conference

28 February 2000, Jakarta
The 2nd IRSA International Conference
“Indonesian Regional Development Policy: Challenges in the New Millennium”
Chair: Budy P. Resosudarmo

Main AgendaParallel Sessions

Main Agenda

Day 1 : Monday, 28 February 2000
09:30-09:45 Opening Ceremony – Dr. Luky Eko Wuryanto
09:45-11:00 Plenary Session 1 – “Current Status and Challenges of Indonesia ’s Regional Economic and Resource Development”
Moderator : Dr. B. Raksaka MahiProf. Bambang Bintoro S. (ITB)
Prof. Herman Haeruman (IPB)
Prof. Lucky Sondakh (Univ. Sam Ratulangi)
11:00-11:15 Tea Break
11:15-12:30 Parallel Session 1
12:30-13:30 Luncheon
13:30-15:00 Plenary Session 2 – “Agricultural and Rural Development in Indonesia : Problems and Challenges in the Decentralization Era”
Moderator : Dr. Budy P. ResosudarmoProf. Norman Uphoff (Cornell University)
Douglas Tinsler (Chemonics International Inc.)
15:00-15:15 Tea Break
15:15-16:45 Plenary Session 3 – “Decentralization Policy and Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia : Theoretical and Practical Approaches”
Moderator : Dr. Bambang BrodjonegoroProf. Erik Thorbecke (Cornell University)
Prof. Gunawan Sumodiningrat (UGM)
16:45-17:00 Closing Remark

Parallel Session

Name of presenter(s) is underlined

Day 1 : Monday, 28 February 2000
16:45-17:30 Parallel Session 1
Track 1: “Environmental Management” (in Bahasa Indonesia)
Moderator: Virza Sasmitawidjaja (NRM)Pengembangan Indeks Lingkungan Daerah
Bambang Pharmasetiawan, Budy P. Resosudarmo, Raksaka Mahi, Bambang Brodjonegoro, Eugenia Mardanugraha (UI), Alin Halimatussadiyah, Anang Nugroho, ZanariahEmisi Polusi Udara dan Air Sungai dalam Struktur Industri Indonesia
Budy P. Resosudarmo, B. Raksaka Mahi, Ari Kuncoro, Santi Budi Handayani (UI)
Track 2: “Energy and Resources” (in Bahasa Indonesia)
Moderator: Yudi Widayanto (BPPT)Struktur Perekonomian Indonesia dan Pengaruhnya pada Industri Kayu Mentah
Socia Prihawantoro (BPPT) and Budy P. Resosudarmo)Simulasi Penyediaan Energi dalam Rangka Desentralisasi
Nanang Haryanto (ITB)The Role of Geographer In the Framework for Regional Planning
Agus Suryantoro (UGM)
Track 3: “FDI and Industrial Development”
Moderator: Widyantoko Sumarlin (BPPT)Economic Recovery in Indonesia : The Challenge of Combining FDI & Regional Development
Fredrik Sjoholm (NUS)Regional Specialization, Industrial Concentration and Finance: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Sector
Ari Kuncoro (UI)
Track 4: “Regional Development”
Moderator: Suahasil Nazara (UI)Ready, Willing, and Able. A Conceptualization of Transition to New Behavioral Form: Its Application to Regional Human Development
Salahuddin Muhidin (UI)Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer: The Case of Indonesia According to Law No. 25/1999
B. Raksaka Mahi (UI)Regional Autonomy and Fiscal Decentralization in Democratic Indonesia
Bambang Brodjonegoro (UI) and Shinji Asanuma