IRSA would like to congratulate the following recipients of the 2023 IRSA Research Supports.

  • On Regional Economy Resilience:
    Elisabeth Veronika Wambrauw (Universitas Cendrawasih), Monita Yessy Beatrick Wambrauw (Universitas Cendrawasih), Ludia Theresia Wambrauw (Universitas Papua) for their research proposal: ”Measuring the impacts of the Implementation Blue Carbon Policy regarding to the indigenous perspectives in coastal areas around Youtefa Bay Jayapura Papua”.
  • On Regional Development in Aceh:
    Asrul Sidiq (Universitas Syah Kuala) for his research proposal: “Forestry agrarian reform in Indonesia: Addressing tenure structures or promoting land inequality?”.

We received a large number of proposals for each grant category and the selection processes have been highly competitive. We hence hope good quality of research outputs could come out from these research projects. It is expected that the winners will present their projects at the 18th IRSA International Conference in Bogor.

Coordinators of the Grant Selection Committee

Professor Devanto S. Pratomo and Dr. Cut Dewi
Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) Secretariat

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2023 IRSA Call for Papers and Research Proposal

Part of the 18th IRSA International Conference, that will be conducted in Bogor on 17-18 July 2023, IRSA is accepting abstract of papers to be presented in the conference as well as research proposals to be funding through IRSA Research Supports.

Call for Papers: Deadline to submit is 14 April 2023

Call for Research Proposal on Regional Economy Resilience: Deadline is 15 March 2023

Call for Research Proposal on Regional Development in Aceh: Deadline is 15 March 2023

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Mataram University

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Mataram University was founded in 1963 and is currently have shown positive developments, both physically and in the number of study programs that built. The current study program at FEB consists of nine majors/study programs consisting of: from: DIII Taxation Study Program, Accounting DIII Study Program and DIII Study Program Tourism, S1 Department of Economics and Development Studies (IESP), S1 Management Department, S1 Accounting Department, Management S2 Study Program, Accounting S2 Study Program, and Programs Master’s Degree in Economics.

This Strategic Plan (Renstra) is a medium-term plan that outlines the vision, mission, objectives, strategies and policies of the FEB for 2020-2024. This strategic plan is prepared by maintaining the continuity of faculty development, which is made based on previous evaluations and accommodate internal and external issues growing.


Mataram University and IRSA

Faculty of Economy and Business of the Mataram University has hosted the 17th IRSA Conference (IRSA 2022).

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Institution, Human Capital and Development in Indonesia

Release Date:October 2022
Editor(s):Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, Evi Noor Afifah, Eny Sulistyaningrum, Devanto S. Pratomo, Alin Halimatussadiah, and Budy P. Resosudarmo
Publisher:IRSA Press
Series:IRSA Book Series on Regional Development No. 20
Price:IDR 100,000 (USD 10)

Indonesian government aspires to escape from the middle-income trap before 2045, marking 100 years of the country’s independence. The country cannot achieve this growth by relying on exploitation of natural resources but through improving technical knowhow. This book titled “Institution, Human Capital and Development in Indonesia” contains recent research on the regional aspects of the interlinkage between institutions, human capital in the context of Indonesian economic development. This book also serves as a reminder of the importance of institutions in economic development in Indonesia.

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